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Evitez cette mauvaise pratique en programmation orientée objet
Mon Jan 29 2024Evitez cette mauvaise pratique en programmation orientée objet
Comment déployer une application spring-boot et Postgres sur Kubernetes
Sun Jan 08 2023Apprenez à déployer une application spring-boot sur kubernetes avec une base de données Postgres avec un certificat SSL gratuit Let's encrypt.
CSS Breakpoint Debugger With Simple HTML
Wed Dec 14 2022Detect Screen size change with this simple HTML and CSS based breakpoint debugger
Web Performance, de ZĂ©ro en HĂ©ros
Mon Aug 08 2022Un guide complet sur la performance web. Apprenez comment améliorer la vitesse de votre site et la performance web en appliquant les meilleures pratiques.
Web Performance 101
Mon Aug 08 2022A complete guide to web performance. Learn how to improve your site speed and web performance by applying the best practices.
HTTP Snitch - The Byte Size HTTP Request Debugger
Thu Aug 04 2022HTTP-SNITCH is a tiny HTTP request debugger that prints the HTTP headers of the incoming requests. It is useful to debug reverse proxies, load balancers, and other HTTP servers.
Never use AWS Route53 to manage your domain names pointing to non aws resources
Wed Aug 03 2022This is why you should never use AWS Route53 to manage your domain names pointing to non aws resources
Remove trailing slash from URL with Spring Boot
Tue Jul 19 2022A step by step guide to remove trailing slash from URL with Spring Boot
My Route53 domain is not getting resolved
Sun Jul 17 2022Dubugging why my newely created Route53 domain name is not getting resolved on the internet
99 Percent of Web Developers Don't Know About This very common Vulnerability
Mon Jun 27 2022The most underrated vulnerability in the web today must be the target _blank vulnerability, let's see how to exploit it in this article.
A Story of a Web Developer, Part 1
Mon Jun 27 2022Some thoughts about web developmeent and the right framework to use.
How To Disable HTML Form Autocomplete
Tue Jun 21 2022A Step By Step Guide on how to disable Autofill/Autocomplete HTML Forms with pure HTML and Angular.
Use SVG as Angular Template
Sat Apr 30 2022This article we explain how to use Angular SVG Components to create a dynamic diagrams, we discuss the pros and cons of this approache and we also give some tips to help you to get started whith Angular SVG Components.
Java Memory Management
Wed Oct 27 2021In this short article, I’ll try to briefly explain how Java manages Random Access Memory (RAM), explaining the basics of garbage collecting, the two main Memory types in Java, Memory Leaks: how to diagnose them and how to ensure that your application handles the memory the right way.
The Hardest Production Bug That I Faced During My Software Engineering Career.
Tue Jun 15 2021In this article, I’ll describe the weirdest Internet Explorer bug that I faced in my life, how we diagnosed it, and correct it in my company.
The Weirdest Java Interview Questions
Fri Mar 26 2021This is a post that gathers the weirdest Java interview questions that I personally faced during job interviews or heard of during my career as a Software Engineer.
How To Protect Your Domain Name Idea
Sun Mar 21 2021A lot of websites offer you the possibility to check for the availability of any domain name, but do you garuntee that these websites are safe?
How To Build a Web Bot in 2 minutes
Thu Mar 18 2021There is a ton of repetitive tasks that we can automate thanks to bots, in this article I’ll show you the easiest and the fastest way to build a bot using Python and Selenium 🚀🚀🚀.
How To Fetch the Number of Claps and Comments Under a Medium Story
Wed Dec 23 2020How to programmatically retrieve the stats (number of claps and comments) of any post using a custom REST API.
Learn HTTP The Right Way
Tue Dec 15 2020HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, initially created for web browser/server communication, it has many more use cases today.
L’essentiel de Git & Gitlab pour les débutants
Fri Oct 23 2020L’essentiel de Git & Gitlab pour les débutants, Apprenez tous les outils nécessaires à la création de votre premier projet Git.